Non-Fiction Titles M through Z |
This list is arranged alphabetically by title, and includes titles starting with the letters M through Z. For titles starting with A through L, click here. I have included a brief description of each book to assist in your decisions.
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Note: Some of the bibliographic information may differ slightly from that in my Research page. That is because some of these books are only available in hard or soft cover now, or have gone through one or more reprints from my original source. They are, however, the same in content. If there's a book from the research page that is not listed here, that's probably because it is out of print. You may be able to obtain a copy through a used-book store. For the most comprehensive bibliographic information, you can purchase our Researching the British Historical--The Victorian Era, available only through Literary Liaisons, Ltd.
Explanation of our
"Featured Title" links below: Every few weeks, a new title from our non-fiction pages will be described in detail on our new "Featured Title" page. Included will be the Table of Contents from the book, and a brief summary, along with a direct link to Amazon.com. To see the Featured Title page for any selection, simply click on the "Featured Title" link at the end of the entry, or on the link at the end of this page. All featured titles will remain in a special library for access as new titles are added.
Non-Fiction Titles M to Z
Madmen: A Social History of Madhouses, Mad-Doctors & Lunatics by Roy Porter--Examines the many bizarre treatments that Georgian-era British doctors administered on mentally-unsound patients. $16.95
Make Your Creative Dreams Real by SARK--From this creative guru comes a "A plan for procrastinators, perfectionists, busy people, and people who would really rather sleep all day" $23.00
Make Your Words Work by Gary Provost--Learn how to communicate your ideas through the right words in the most effective way possible, complete with exercises to help you on your way. $14.99
The Making of Victorian Values: Decency and Dissent in Britain: 1789-1837 by Ben Wilson--A cultural history of Pre-Victorian England. $27.95
A Man's Place: Masculinity and the Middle-Class Home in Victorian England by John Tosh--See how contradictions in Victorian ideals of domesticity and masculinity shaped men's lives. $35.00
Manual for Writers and Editors by Merriam-Webster, Inc.--A professional guide to style, production and printing. $17.95
Manuscript Submission by Scott Edelstein--Part of the Writer's Digest Elements of Fiction series--learn how to format your manuscript and polish it for a professional looking impression. $14.99
Marriage and Morals Among the Victorians by Gertrude Himmelfarb--Eleven essays defending Victorian England's moral values. $18.90
The Marshall Plan Workbook: Writing You Novel from Start to Finish by Evan Marshall--an easy-to-follow blueprint on starting and finishing your novel by agent Evan Marshall. $19.99.
Masterpieces of Women's Costume of the 18th & 19th Centuries by Aline Bernstein--detailed descriptions of complete costumes, including accessories. $12.95
The Mauve Decade: American Life at the End of the Nineteenth Century by Thomas Beer--An impressionistic survey of American culture in the last decades of the 19th century. $11.95
Medieval Costume and Fashion by Herbert Norris--Text and illustrations of fashions for the nobility as well as the commoner, including hairstyles and jewelry. $17.95
Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus by John Gray--A practical guide to improving communication and getting what you want from a relationship. $25.00
Men's Fashion: The Complete Sourcebook by John Peacock--Over 1000 illustrations covering men's fashion from 1789 to the present, including Court wear, Sports wear and accessories. $29.95
Men's Fashions Illustrations From the Turn of the Century by Jno. J. Mitchell Co.--Over 100 illustrations from sporty knickers to formal wear. $9.95 Feature Title
Metropolitan Fashions of the 1880s: From the 1885 Butterick Catalog edited by Carol Belanger Grafton--Over 790 illustrations depicting ladies' fashions and children's wear. $8.95
The Mid-Victorian Generation 1846-1886 by K. Theodore Hoppen--A valuable resource for students and scholars of the Victorian era. $19.95
Mighty Fine Words and Smashing Expressions by Orin Hargraves
Mistress of the Elgin Marbles by Susan Nagel--Biography of Mary Nisbet, Countess of Elgin. $14.95
More Civil War Curiosities by Webb Garrison--Another glimpse into the unusual characters and events of the Civil War. $12.95
Moseman's Illustrated Catalog of Horse Furnishing Goods by C.M. Moseman and Brother--Reproduction of the 1893 catalog-everything you need for furnishing your horse and stables. Feature Title
The Most Beautiful Villages of England by James Bentley--Grouped by area and subdivided by county, learn the distinctions between the villages. $40.00
The Name Book by Pierre Le Rouzic--more than just a baby name book, it explores the personalities and meanings behind the names. Good for characterization. $15.95
Names Through the Ages by Teresa Norman--Includes thousands of names from the Dark Ages to contemporary times with surname definitions and history of names. $15.95
The New Birth Order Book by Dr. Kevin Leman--Describes how your birth order influences all aspects of your life. $11.99 Feature Title
The New Generation Guide to Birds of Britain and Europe by Christopher Perrins--Includes all the species which breed in Europe, with illustrations and data for each specie, as well as information on birds in general. $16.95
The New York Public Library Book of Chronologies by Bruce Wetterau--A chronological collection of dates, events, people, places and pastimes from pre-historic times to the present--sorted by subject. (Hard to find currently)
The Nine Muses: A Mythological Path to Creativity by Angeles Arrien--Fire up your own creative juices with this inspirational piece. $24.95
Nineteenth-Century Britain by Jeremy Black--A thematic account of British history. $33.95
The Nineteenth-Century Church and English Society by Frances Knight--The meaning of Anglicism for ordinary people in the nineteenth century. $64.95
Nineteenth-Century Costume and Fashion by Herbert Norris and Oswald Curtis--Useful reference for fashion history and a practical guide for theatrical producions. $12.95
Nineteenth-Century European Piano Music: Unfamiliar Masterworks collected by John Gillespie--Actual scores of 19th-Century piano compositions and brief biographies of each of the composers featured. $15.95
No More Rejections by Alice Orr--Tips and techniques from a literary agent. $22.99
No Plot? No Problem! by Chris Baty--How to start and finish a novel in just 30 days. $14.95
Novelist's Boot Camp by Todd A. Stone--Step-by-step guide through 101 lessons to get that novel written. $19.99
On Writing by Stephen King--A memoir of the craft by this best-selling author. $25.00
On Writing Romance: How to Craft a Novel that Sells by Leigh Michaels--The stages of the writing and publishing process by this best-selling author. $16.99
One Hundred English Folksongs edited by Cecil J. Sharp--Scores of traditional English Folksongs, with a brief history of the origin of each song. $13.95
Organize Yourself! by Ronni Eisenberg and Kate Kelly--Proven techniques for streamlining your daily life. $12.95 Feature Title
Organizing from the Inside Out by Julie Morgenstern--Learn how to design a unique organizing plan based on your individual goals and needs. $15.00 Feature Title
The Organizing Sourcebook: Nine Strategies for Simplifying Your Life by Kathy Waddill $16.95
Organizing Your Work Space by Odette Pollar--A quick, easy-to-read reference for the beginner organizer. $13.95
The Oxford Illustrated History of the British Monarchy by Ralph Alan Griffiths and John Ashton Cannon--Generously illustrated, this book helps as a good source for specific information on the monarchy. $26.50
Parallel Lives: Five Victorian Marriages by Phyllis Rose--Read true accounts of married women in the Victorian Era. $13.00
Pen on Fire: A Busy Woman's Guide to Igniting the Writer Within by Barbara DeMarco-Barrett--How to find the discipline to write, even if it's only fifteen minutes a day. $13.00
The Penguin Dictionary of Nineteenth-Century History edited by John Belchem and Richard Price--The political, diplomatic, social, military, artistic and cultural events that shaped the Nineteenth Century. $16.95
Personal Beauty by D.G. Brinton, M.D. and G.H. Napheys, M.D.--Reprint of an 1870 guide, this book contains many recipes for health and beauty along with special advice for attaining physical perfection. $14.95 Feature Title
Pictorial Encyclopedia of Historic Architectural Plans, Details and Elements by John Theodore Haneman--Categorized drawings of more than 1800 architectural features. $14.95 Feature Title
Plot by Ansen Dibell--Part of the Writer's Digest Elements of Fiction series--learn how to plot a book from beginning to end to keep the reader interested. $14.99
The Plot Thickens: 8 Ways to Bring Fiction to Life by Noah Lukeman--Discusses the craft of writing well-plotted fiction. $12.95
The Pocket Muse by Monica Wood--Includes inspiration, writing prompts and exercises for every writer. $19.99
The Polite Tourist: Four Centuries of Country House Visiting by Adrian Tinniswood--Illustrated account of the homes and gardens that have drawn tourists over the last four centuries. $39.95
The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale--Create a positive change in your life by eliminating negative thoughts. $12.95
The Pre-Raphaelites by Christopher Wood--An generously illustrated history of the Pre-Raphaelites, a brotherhood of English artists. $24.95 Feature Title
A Prescription for Murder by Angus McLaren--A study on the Victorian serial killings of Dr. Thomas Neill Cream. $14.00
Principles of Victorian Decorative Design by Christopher Dresser--From hardware to stained glass to carpets, learn how Victorian houses were decorated. $10.95
Private Lives, Public Spirit: Britain 1870-1914 by Jose Harris--A social history of Victorian Britain. $23.00
The Procrastinator's Handbook: Mastering the Art of Doing It Now by Rita Emmett--Learn how to motivate yourself to get things done now instead of later. $10.95
The Professor and the Madman by Simon Winchester--The obsession of two men at the heart of the Oxford English Dictionary. $22.00
Queen Victoria by Cecil Woodham-Smith--A detailed biography of the Queen from her birth to the death of the Prince Consort. Includes many excerpts from Queen Victoria's own journals. $9.95
Queen Victoria: A Personal History by Christopher Hibbert--Focuses on her relationships with her family and staff. $35.00
Queen Victoria's Family by Charlotte Zeepvat--A photographic history of the Queen's family from 1840-1940. $29.95
Queen Victoria's Little Wars by Byron Farwell--Looks at each conflict from the standpoint of the British Army, the government, and the foreign opponents.$15.95
Queen Victoria's Secrets by Adrienne Munich--Demonstrates the grasp the queen held on the cultural imagination of her country. $16.50
The Railway Journey by Wolfgang Schivelbusch--A look at the good and ills brought about by railway transportation in the 19th century. $21.95
Reading Like a Writer by Francine Prose--A look at how informative reading influences writing. $23.95
Reading People: How to Understand People and Predict Their Behavior--Anytime, Anyplace by Jo-Ellen Dimitrius and Mark Mazzarella--Use visual and oral clues to reliably predict behavior at home and at work. $13.95
Really Useful: The Origins of Everyday Things by Joel Levy--Explores old and new objects, and the stories behind them. $24.95
The Reason Why by Cecil Woodham Smith--A look into the fatal Charge of the Light Brigade. $17.00
Rebel Heart: The Scandalous Life of Jane Digby by Mary S. Lovell--An account of this aristocrat who left her husband and son to pursue her heart. $65.00
Restoration London by Liza Picard--The author uses diaries, almanacs, newspapers, etc., to present a picture of everyday life in 17th Century London. $14.00
The Right to Write by Julia Cameron--A life-changing and transformative book that liberates and cultivates the writer residing in everyone.
The Rise and Fall of the British Empire by Lawrence James
The Rise and Fall of the Victorian Servant by Pamela Horn--Covers the origins of domestic service, a typical day in the life of a servant, and the gradual decline of this large work force. Includes tables on wages, duties and other anecdotal information. $11.00
The Rise of the Nouveaux Riches: Style and Status in Victorian and Edwardian Architecture by J. Mordaunt Crook--an account of the millionaires who grew wealthy as a result of the Industrial Revolution and the houses of these people. $24.95
Roaring Boys--Shakespeare's Rat Pack by Judith Cook--An interesting look at the writers who characterized the Elizabethan and Jacobeans. $14.95
Roget's Thesaurus of Phrases by Barbara Ann Kipfer, PhD.--Organized alphabetically, this reference offers multiword entries as synonyms. $22.99
The Romance Writer's Pink Pages by Eve Paludan--Learn what publishing houses are looking for and how to write for them. Includes names and addresses of publishing houses and literary agents, along with submission guidelines. $12.95
Romance Writer's Sourcebook: Where to Sell Your Manuscripts edited by David H. Borcherding--Write romances that quicken the pulse. $19.99
Royal Palaces of Britain by Jane Struthers--Includes photographs and overviews of over 30 palaces, castles and royal houses in Britian. $39.95
Sailing Vessels in Authentic Early 19th-Century Illustrations by Edward Wm. Cooke--Reproductions of maritime etchings, including Thames River crafts, harbor scenes and shore life. $7.95
Saloons of the Old West by Richard Erdoes--covers girls, gunfighters and gamblers in personal accoutns, songs and poems.
Samuel Johnson's Insults by Jack Lynch--More than 350 barbs and stings to color your dialogue. $12.95
The Savvy Author's Guide to Book Publicity by Lissa Warren--Useful information from a book publicist. $14.00
Scene & Structure by Jack M. Bickham--Part of the Writer's Digest Elements of Fiction series--learn how to set up the scenes in your novel so they flow logically. $12.00
The Scotland Yard Files: 150 Years of the C.I.D. by Paul Begg and Keith Skinner--A history of how the detective force of Scotland Yard grew to become the Criminal Investigation Department. $11.95
The Seaside, Health and the Environment in England and Wales Since 1800 by John Hassan--A look at the special position the seaside has taken in British rest and relaxation. $99.95 1840142650
Self-editing for Fiction Writers by Renni Browne and Dave King--How to edit yourself into print. $13.00
Self-Promotion for the Creative Person by Lee Silber--Get the word out about who you are and what you do. $15.00
Setting by Jack M. Bickham--Part of the Writer's Digest Elements of Fiction series--learn how to create a sharp sense of time and place in your story. $14.99
Seven Centuries of English Cooking by Maxime de la Falaise--A collection of recipes over the centuries with a short overview of each era. $15.95 Feature Title
She Captains: Heroines and Hellions of the Sea by Joan Druett--Addresses women's roles in the passage and exploration of the high seas. $26.00
Shoes, Hats and Fashion Accessories: A Pictorial Archive, 1850-1940 by Carol Belanger Grafton--Over 1500 detailed cuts from vintage publications. $9.95
Silhouettes: Rediscovering the Lost Art by Kathryn Flocken--A how-to book on drawing, cutting and displaying silhouettes. $18.95
Simply Scones by Leslie Weiner and Barbara Albright--Over seventy recipes for this English tradition. $7.95
Sin and Syntax by Constance Hale--You know the grammar rules, now learn how to break them. $20.00
Slow Down...And Get More Done by Marshall Cook--Get control of your life by learning to plan and the value of doing 'nothing.' $12.99
A Social History of England by Asa Briggs--An exploration of English Society and a study of historically recurrent themes, with many illustrations. $45.00
Someone Had Blundered: Calamities of the British Army in the Victorian Age by Denis Judd--The book covers six significant British military campaigns from the dawn to the twilight of the Victorian era. $12.99
The Sound of Paper by Julia Cameron--Essays and exercises to help unleash your imagination. $19.95
The Stage Costume Sourcebook by Jack Cassin-Scott--Inspirational help for producing historical plays. $29.95
Stockings and Suspenders: A Quick Flash by Rosemary Hawthorne--A quick history of the 3000-year old stocking, along with their necessary accompaniment, the garter or suspender. $8.95
The Strange Case of the Broad Street Pump by Sandra Hempel--The story of John Snow and his work with cholera. $24.95
Suffer and Be Still: Women in the Victorian Age edited by Martha Vicinus--Studies on the issues surrounding women writers. $13.95
The Synonym Finder by J.I. Rodale--A thorough list of synonyms, differentiating between slang and proper English, and sometimes identifying country of origin of the term. (Hardbound edition) $29.95
The Synonym Finder by J.I. Rodale--see above--(Paperbound edition) $14.99
Techniques of the Selling Writer by Dwight Swain--The book gives the background, insights and specific procedures needed by all writers to sell fiction. $17.95
Teller of Tales: The Life of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle by Daniel Stashower--A biography of the man who created Sherlock Holmes. $16.00 (PB)
Textiles for Early Victorian Clothing 1850-1880 by Susan W. Greene--A great resource for historians, reenactors and educators, including fabric swatches. $37.95
That's Not What I Meant by Deborah Tannen--How conversational style affects a relationship. $5.99
Theme & Strategy by Ronald B. Tobias--Part of the Writer's Digest Elements of Fiction series--learn to identify your overall theme and plot your book around this idea. $14.99
This Year You Write Your Novel by Walter Mosley--Covers the writing basics in a succinct manner.
A Thread Across the Ocean: The Heroic Story of the Transatlantic Cable by John Steele Gordon--learn how after five failures, Cyrus Field successfully oversaw the laying of the Transatlantic cable in 1866. $12.95
Time Management for the Creative Person by Lee Silber--Learn how to live creatively while still meeting deadlines and keeping appointments. $14.00
Time Management from the Inside Out by Julie Morgenstern--Learn how to get rid of chaotic schedules in order to live a more comfortable and productive life. $15.00 Feature Title
The Titled Americans: Three American Sisters and the Aristocratic World into which They Married by Elisabeth Kehoe $26.00
The Timetables of History by Bernard Grun--An historian's delight, this book gives a year-by-year summary of important social, economic, political, and scientific events which shaped the history of the world. $20.00 Feature Title
Titles and Forms of Address by Arminger--An extremely useful guide which itemizes by order of rank the English titles, and how to address both royalty and peers in speech or in writing. A valuable source for knowing who ranks above who in the British peerage. (price not available)
To Marry An English Lord by Gail MacColl and Carol McD. Wallace--The story of how over 100 American heiresses invaded England and swapped their dollars for titles. $15.95 Feature Title
The Truth About History edited by Reader's Digest--True and fascinating information which might just change your views on historical events--great for plot twists in your story. $29.95
Tudor Costume and Fashion by Herbert Norris--Covers all the costumes of each period, with special material on headgear, hairstyles and jewelry. $24.95
Turner by James Hamilton--Biography of one of England's most famous landscape painters. 0812967917
Type Talk by Otto Kroeger and Janet M. Thuesen--Outlines the sixteen personality types and why they behave the way they do. $15.95 Feature Title
An Uncommon Soldier: The Civil War Letters of Sarah Rosetta Wakeman, alias Pvt. Lyons Wakeman by Sarah Rosetta Wakeman--Experiences of a disguised woman in the ranks. $9.95
An Uncommon Woman by Hannah Pakula--The biography of Empress Frederick--the eldest daughter of Queen Victoria, Wife of the Crown Prince of Prussia, and Mother of Kaiser Wilhelm. $18.00
Uncrowned King: The Life of Prince Albert by Stanley Weintraub--Prince Albert, Consort to Queen Victoria, was adored by his wife, but scorned by his people for his German ancestry. This book shows how he played a major role in history from behind the scenes. $27.50
Uppity Women of Medieval Times by Vicki Leon--Profiles of the women who used wit and wiles to get their way. $14.95
Victoria by Stanley Weintraub--An intimate biography of the Queen who influenced the world. $16.95 Feature Title
The Victorian Age by Peter Chrisp--Part of the Facts on File History of Fashion and Costume series. $35.00
Victorian America: Transformations in Everyday Life, 1876-1915 by Thomas Schlereth--Explores the daily life of Americans in the Victorian era. $15.00
Victorian Babylon: People, Streets and Images in Nineteenth-Century London by Lynda Nead--How London emerged as a modern city in the 19th century. $35.00
Victorian Costume for Ladies, 1860-1900 by Linda Setnik--Photographic documentation of what ladies wore in America from 1860 to 1900. $29.95 Feature Title
Victorian Cottage Residences by Andrew Jackson Downing--A look at 19th century American domestic architecture. $14.95 Feature Title
Victorian Days: Discover the Past With Fun Projects, Games, Activities and Recipes by David C. King--Part of the American Kids in History Series--A First-hand look at life in the late 1800s. $12.95
Victorian and Edwardian Fashion: A Photographic Survey by Allison Gernsheim--Fashion history illustrated by contemporary photographs of the time. $9.95
Victorian Fashions & Costumes from Harper's Bazar: 1867-1898 edited by Stella Blum--Brief overview of fashion with over 1000 illustrations. $16.95 Feature Title
The Victorian Frame of Mind by Walter E. Houghton--An exploration of Victorian ideas and attitudes. $25.00 Feature Title
A Victorian Grimoire by Patricia Telesco--A mixture of magic and romance, you can learn the meaning of symbols and how Victorians used magic and symbolism in their everyday lives. $14.95
Victorian Houseware, Hardware and Kitchenware by Ronald S. Barlow--This may be a price guide for antiques, but it is also a good reference for the little gadgets every Victorian household had, like egg beaters, thimbles and tobacco cutters. $22.95
The Victorian Internet; The Remarkable Story of the Telegraph and the Nineteenth Century's On-Line Pioneers by Tom Standage--The story of the creation and impact of the telegraph. $12.00
Victorian Jewelry: An Illustrated Collection of Exquisite 19th Century Jewelry by Peter Hinks--This book is as the title suggests, with hundreds of illustrations. $19.98
The Victorian Kitchen by Jennifer Davies--A behind the scenes look into the Victorian kitchen including recipes, fittings, shopping and preserving. $18.95 Feature Title
Victorian Literature and the Victorian Visual Imagination--Explores the relationship between the verbal and visual in the Victorian imagination. $24.95
Victorian London's Middle-Class Housewife: What She Did All Day by Yaffa Claire Draznin--A detailed description of the life and activities of the middle-class Victorian woman. $54.95
Victorian Miniature by Owen Chadwick--A look into daily life at the manor, when squire and parson disagree in a Norfolk village. $24.99
Victorian Painting by Lionel Lambourne--Survey of one of the most fertile and varied eras in the history of painting. $45.00
Victorian Parlour Poetry: An Annotated Anthology edited by Michael R. Turner--An unusual collection of short poetry--some humorous, some sad--that would have been recited as a form of amusement in the Victorian parlour. $8.95
Victorian Periodicals and Victorian Society, edited by J.D. Vann and R.T. Van Arsdel--Examines the periodicals associated with the professions, arts, occupations, etc., for the universally educated and the working classes. $19.75
The Victorian Schoolroom by Trevor May--Describes the development of Victorian schools and the evolving role of the teacher. $10.00
Victorian Things by Asa Briggs--An analysis of Victorian material culture and values. $35.95 Feature Title
The Victorian Underworld by Donald Thomas--A portrait of a seamy and brutal, but fascinating underside of Victorian society. $29.00 Feature Title
The Victorian Visitors: Culture Shock in Nineteenth-Century Britain by Rupert Christiansen--A collection of personal accounts from foreign visitors.
The Victorian Woman by Suzanne Fagence Cooper--Part of the V&A lecture series, this book rebuilds our perception of the Victorian woman. $16.95
Victorian Women's Magazines by Margaret Beetham--A look at the wide variety of magazines available to Victorian Women. $31.95 0719058791
The Victorians by A.N. Wilson--A social history of Victorian life through the decades of the Victorian Era. $35.00
Victoria's Daughters by Jerrold M. Packard--The story of five women who shared one of the most extraordinary sisterhoods of all time. $27.95
Villages of England by Roger Hunt and Richard Turpin--Pictorial tour of the romance and beauty of English villages. $40.00
A Vindication of the Rights of Woman by Mary Wollstonecraft--Author's views on women's rights and the argument for education of women. $3.00
Vintage Hats & Bonnets 1770-1970: Identification & Values by Susan Langley--Full of photographs, this is a good source for researchers. $24.95
The Visual History of Costume Accessories by Valerie Cumming--Surveys 400 years of the design and use of such accessories as hats, shoes and gloves. $29.95
Voice & Style by Johnny Payne--Part of the Writer's Digest Elements of Fiction series--learn how to identify your voice and use it to create your own personal style. $15.99
Voices from Dickens' London by Michael Paterson--A realistic look at daily life as seen through letters, diaries, newspapers and Charles Dickens' own words. $26.95
The War the Women Lived: Female Voices from the Confederate South by Walter Sullivan--Letters, diaries and recollections of nurses, wives and other women left in charge of plantations, as well as stories from female Confederate spies. $24.95
Wedding Fashions 1862-1912 by JoAnne Olian--This volume includes 380 illustrations from La Mode Illustree. ISBN#0486278824
What If? Writing Exercises for Fiction Writers by Anne Bernays and Pamela Painter--Get your creative juices flowing and stomp out writer's block with these exercises. $13.95
What Jane Austen Ate and Charles Dickens Knew by Daniel Pool--From fox hunting to whist, the facts of daily life in 19th Century England. A very easy-to-read source. $14.00 Feature Title
What People Wore by Douglas Gorsline--A visual history of dress from ancient times to 20th Century America. $12.95
What Would Your Character Do? by Eric Maisel, PhD and Ann Maisel--Use these thirty situations to discover your character's personality. $15.99
Where Rails Meet the Sea: America's Connections Between Ships & Trains by Michael Krieger--The history of how steamships and locomotives helped shape the North American continent. $22.98
Who's Who in Victorian Britain: 1851-1901 by Roger Ellis--Biographies of notable citizens of the Victorian Era. $29.95
Wild Women: Crusaders, Curmudgeons and Completely Corsetless Ladies in the Otherwise Virtuous Victorian Era by Autumn Stephens--Read 100 biographical sketches of females in the Victorian era who couldn't be contained in the ladylike mode of the day. $14.95 Feature Title
William Morris by Elizabeth Wilhide--A biography of this British artist, painter and designer 978-0810936232
Women at Home in Victorian America: A Social History by Ellen M. Plante--A woman's world is catalogued in this practical overview. $32.95
Word Painting by Rebecca McClanahan--Transform what you see through the artist's eye into vivid prose. $18.99
Word and Phrase Origins by Robert Hendrickson--Reference regarding the definitions and origins of thousands of words and expressions. $24.95
The World in a Phrase by James Geary--A history of the aphorism, from ancient times to the present. $9.95 158234616X
Write Away by Elizabeth George--A good instructional book for the novice writer. $13.95
Writeriffic: Creativity Training for Writers by Eva Shaw--Just what you need to jump-start your creativity. $14.95
A Writer's Book of Days by Judy Reeves--Helpful instruction and inspiring quotes to make for better writing. $15.95
The Writer's Book of Wisdom by Steven Goldsberry--Lessons and inspiration on the craft of writing both fiction and non-fiction. $19.99
The Writer's Digest Character Naming Sourcebook by Sherrilyn Kenyon--More than 20,000 names categorized by ethnic background along with advice on how to select a name and how names affect your story. $18.99
The Writer's Digest Flip Dictionary by Barbara Ann Kipfer--Helps you find precisely the correct word for what you are trying to say. $24.99
The Writer's Digest Sourcebook for Building Believable Characters by Marc McCutcheon--Learn to create characters who seize readers by the emotions. $17.99 Feature Title
The Writer's Digest Writing Clinic by Writer's Digest editors--Learn editing techniques that will help improve your writing and get your manuscript sold. $21.99
Writer's Guide to Book Editors, Publishers, and Literary Agents, 1999-2000: Who They Are! What They Want! And How To Win Them Over! By Jeff Herman--A comprehensive guide to the writing business. $27.95
The Writer's Guide to Character Traits by Linda N. Edelstein--Reveals the motivations and influences behind a wide variety of behaviors. Feature Title
The Writer's Guide to Everyday Life in the 1800s by Marc McCutcheon--An overview of everyday life in America during the 1800s decade by decade, with many facts about fashion, courtship, food & drink, and slang terms. It distinguishes between the stylish East coast and the rugged West. $18.99
The Writer's Guide to Everyday Life in Colonial America: From 1607-1783 by Dale Taylor--Step back in time to Colonial America and learn what they ate, how they lived and what they wore. $18.99
The Writer's Guide to Everyday Life in the Middle Ages: The British Isles From AD 500 to 1500 by Sherrilyn Kenyon--Gain an overview of what is was like to have lived in the British isles during the Middle Ages--complete with glossary. $17.99
The Writer's Guide to Everyday Life From Prohibition to World War II by Marc McCutcheon--Learn what is was like to live through Prohibition in America and follow the country through the steps leading up to World War II. $18.99
The Writer's Guide to Everyday Life in Regency and Victorian England: From 1811-1901 by Kristine Hughes--Learn what people ate, where they shopped, what they wore, how they amused themselves and more during 19th century England. $18.99 Feature Title
The Writer's Guide to Everyday Life in Renaissance England: From 1485 to 1649 by Kathy Lynn Emerson--Learn about daily life in Renaissance England. $18.99
The Writer's Guide to Everyday Life in the Wild West: From 1840-1900 by Candy Moulton--Dates, facts, timelines and other details necessary to make your book authentic.
Writer's Guide to Internet Resources by Vicky Phillips and Cindy Yager--Learn how to use the Internet to the best of your advantage in advancing your writing career. $15.95
Writer's Guide to Queries, Pitches & Proposals by Moira Anderson Allen--Learn the basics from a professional. $16.95
The Writer's Journey: Mythic Structure for Writers by Chris Vogler--In this second edition, follow the author as he leads you through a path to creativity. $22.95
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