Non-Fiction Titles A through L |
This list is arranged alphabetically by title, and includes titles starting with A through L. For titles starting with M through Z, click here. I have included a brief description of each book to assist in your decisions.
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Note: Some of the bibliographic information may differ slightly from that in my Research page. That is because some of these books are only available in hard or soft cover now, or have gone through one or more reprints from my original source. They are, however, the same in content. If there's a book from the research page that is not listed here, that's probably because it is out of print. You may be able to obtain a copy through a used-book store. For the most comprehensive bibliographic information, you can purchase our Researching the British Historical--The Victorian Era, available only through Literary Liaisons, Ltd.
Explanation of our
"Featured Title" links below: Every few weeks, a new title from our non-fiction pages will be described in detail on our new "Featured Title" page. Included will be the Table of Contents from the book, and a brief summary, along with a direct link to Amazon.com. To see the Featured Title page for any selection, simply click on the "Featured Title" link at the end of the entry, or on the link at the end of this page. All featured titles will remain in a special library for access as new titles are added.
Non-Fiction Titles A to L
100 Things Every Writer Needs to Know by Scott Edelstein--A combination of inspiration and advice geared toward the beginner writer $12.95 Feature Title
100 Words Almost Everyone Confuses and Misuses by the Editors of American Heritage Dictionary--Points out common usage errors. $4.95
1001 Ways to Market Your Book by John Kremer--Includes tips for promotion, marketing, advertising and publicizing your book--what you can do to help boost sales. $27.95
20 Master Plots (And How to Build Them) by Ronald Tobias--Learn how to use one of literature's most enduring plot categories to write your own compelling fiction.
45 Master Characters: Mythic Models for Creating Original Characters by Victoria Schmidt--A description of archetypal characters and why writers should use them. $19.99
59 Authentic Turn-of the-Century Fashion Patterns by Kristina Harris--Detailed patterns to make your own reproductions. $12.95
Ackermann's Costume Plates: Women's Fashions in England, 1818-1828 by Stella Blum--illustrations and descriptions of walking, carriage and evening dresses and their accessories. $8.95
Adventures in the Screen Trade by William Goldman--Apply screenwriting techniques to your books for concise, clean narrative. $16.99
Affirmations for Artists by Eric Maisel, Ph.D.--Meditations and guidance for creative and performing artists. $12.95
American Dress Pattern Catalog 1873-1909 by Nancy Villa Bryk--reproductions of authentic dress patterns. $10.95
American Victorian Costume in Early Photographs by Priscilla Harris Dalrymple--Over 280 photographs of "Sunday Best" clothing from 1840s to 1890s, with an introduction for each decade. $12.95
The Annals of London: A Year-by-Year record of a Thousand Years of History by John Richardson--Chronicles by year the events that have changed London, from 1065 to 1999. $37.50
Answers to Questions About Old Jewelry 1840-1950 by Jeanenne Bell--Learn about antique jewelry in relation to clothing, lifestyles and important historic figures. $24.95
Antique Boxes, Tea Caddies, & Society 1700-1880 by Antigone Clark and Joseph O'Kelly--A history of tea boxes and the people who made them. $89.95
Are You My Type, Am I Yours? by Renee Baron and Elizabeth Wagele--Relationships made easy through the Enneagram. $16.95 Feature Title
The Art of Dress: Clothes and Society 1500-1914 by Jane Ashelford--Explores what men's, women's, children's and servants attire and accessories revealed about the world in which they lived. $49.50
The Art of Romance Writing by Valerie Parv--Practical advice from an international best-selling author.
The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron--Recover your creativity from limiting beliefs, self-sabotage and fear. $15.95
Athleticism in the Victorian and Edwardian Public School by J.A. Mangan--A study of the games ethos which dominated the lives of Victorian and Edwardian schoolboys. $39.95
Beau Brummel by Ian Kelly--The story of the man who originated modern menswear. $26.00
Becoming a Chief Home Officer by Allie Pleiter--Guidance for moms choosing to make the shift from business world to full-time motherhood. $10.39
Becoming Victoria by Lynne Vallone--Traces the process of how Victoria was molded into the right kind of adult capable of assuming the throne. $26.95
Beginnings, Middles & Ends by Nancy Kress--Part of the Writer's Digest Elements of Fiction Writing series--learn how to start your story strong, keep it tight, and end it with a bang. $12.00
Bloomingdale's Illustrated 1886 Catalog: Fashions, Dry Goods and Housewares by Bloomingdale Brothers--Reproduction of the 1886 Bloomingdale's catalog. $12.95
Bodies of Evidence: Medicine and the Politics of the English Inquest, 1830-1926 by Ian A. Burney--Recounts a tale of the rise of the medical forensic expert. $43.95
Body Language by Julius Fast--Learn how to read people's posture and how to make your own impressions through body language. A helpful source for characterization. (Paperbound edition) $5.99
Body Language by Julius Fast--see above--(Hardbound edition) $6.98
The Boer War 1899-1902--A look at this British campaign against an African native army. $14.95
Bold Spirit by Linda Lawrence Hunt--The story about a woman who crossed America on foot to claim a prize which would save her family's farm. $14.00
The Book of Firsts by Ian Harrison--Filled with facts to get your creative juices flowing, it also includes a timeline. $29.95
The Book of Positive Quotations by John Cook--Read quotes from such life-affirming categories as "Peace of Mind" and "Happiness". $15.95
Born to Rule by Julia P. Gelardi--Five cousins, five extraordinary women. Meet Queen Victoria's granddaughter's who wed reigning European monarchs. $29.95
Breathing Life into Characters by Rachel Ballon, PhD.--Shows how to get in touch with the thoughts and feelings you'll need to truly understand your characters. $22.99
British English A to Zed by Norman W. Schur--Explains 5000 British slang terms, translating each into its nearest American equivalent. $18.95 Feature Title
British Gentlemen in the Wild West by Lawrence M. Woods--A portrait of the British gentlemen who set out to conquer the West and make their fortunes there. $22.95
The British Inheritance: A Treasury of Historic Documents edited by Elizabeth Hallam and Andrew Prescott--Displays in chronological order key documents which illuminate defining moments in British History.
Building Better Plots by Robert Kernan--Gives writers instruction they need to writer better plots from the outset. $18.99 Feature Title
Bum Bags and Fanny Packs by Jeremy Smith--The difference in American/English vocabulary and how word choices came to be used. $14.95
Byron: Child of Passion, Fool of Fame by Benita Eisler--portrait of the poet who rose from poverty to success and fame. $35.00
Cakes and Ale by Judy Spours--A cultural history of turn-of-the-century feasting in Britain. 1905615027
The Cambridge Historical Encyclopedia of Great Britain and Ireland edited by Christopher Haigh--An illustrated history covering every major aspect of British life. $29.95
The Career Novelist by Donald Maass--Learn how to become published, how to choose an agent, the marketing game, contract negotiations and more as you set out on your career as a writer. $15.95 Feature Title
Career Opportunities for Writers, 4th Edition, by Rosemary Ellen Guiley and Janet Frick--Use your writing talents for profit and land the job that's right for you. Feature Title
A Celebration of Empire: A Centenary Souvenir of the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Victoria 1837-1897 by Peter Walton--An illustrated history of the Queen's Diamond Jubliee, with notes on the contingents present.
Chairs Through the Ages: A Pictorial Archive of Woodcuts & Engravings by Harold H. Hart--Over 500 illustrations of chairs in a wide variety of styles, with brief essays detailing the highlights of each style. $10.95
Characters, Emotion & Viewpoint by Nancy Kress--Part of the Write Great Fiction series--an in-depth look at these important tools, $16.99
Characters & Viewpoint by Orson Scott Card--Part of the Writer's Digest Elements of Fiction series--learn how to develop strong characters, and what viewpoint is and how to handle it. $15.99 Feature Title
The Chicago Manual of Style, 14th Ed. by the University of Chicago Press--A stylebook for the writer, whether of fiction or non-fiction. $40.00
Chicken Soup for the Writer's Soul edited by Jack Canfield, et al.--Inspirational stories to rekindle the spirit of writers. $24.00
Children's Fashions, 1860-1912: 1,065 Costume Designs from "La Mode Illustre" by Jo Anne Olian--Depictions of youngsters in everyday and dress clothing. $10.95
Civil War Curiosities: Strange Stories, Oddities, Events and Coincidences by Webb Garrison--Collection of anecdotes on a wide variety of subjects from weapons to the press. $12.99
The Complete Guide to Book Publicity by Jodee Blanco--Tailor your publicity to fit your book. $19.95
The Complete Idiot's Guide to British Royalty by Richard Buskin--Take a royal tour of British monarchs, from past to present. $18.95
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Getting Your Romance Published by Julie Beard--From plotting to publicizing, everything you need to know for writing and publishing your first novel. $16.95 Feature Title
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Grammar and Style by Laurie Rozakis, PhD--Easy-to-use guide to the correct rules of grammar and style. $16.95
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Managing Your Time by Jeff Davidson--Learn techniques to increase the quantity and quality of your writing time. $16.95
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Organizing Your Life by Georgene Lockwood--Great tips on not just organizing your home, but organizing your life; learn to set goals and reach them! $16.95
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Starting a Home-Based Business by Barbara Weltman--Everything you need to know when first starting your business at home, including legal documents and marketing techniques. $16.95
The Complete Writer's Guide to Heroes and Heroines by Tami Cowden, Caro LaFever and Sue Viders--A look at the eight male and eight female archetypes and how to incorporate them into your writing. $17.95
The Confederate Privateers by William Morrison Robinson, Jr.--Recounts the activities of the Confederacy's privately armed ships and their battles with the Union. $15.95
Conflict, Action & Suspense by William Noble--Part of the Writer's Digest Elements of Fiction series--learn how to create conflict and sustain it through the end of the book to keep your reader turning the pages. $15.99 Feature Title
The Corset & The Crinoline: An Illustrated History by W.B. Lord--A history of how wood, whalebone, steel, hoops and laces were used to define women's waists from Ancient Greece to the 19th century. $12.95
Corsets and Crinolines by Norah Waugh--Gives an historical background of these undergarments as well as patterns to reconstruct them. $32.95
Costume In Context: The Victorians by Jennifer Ruby--Intended for use by children, this book gives an easy-to-understand overview of Victorian fashion from all walks of life. $24.95
Costume Through the Ages: Over 1400 Illustrations by Erhard Klepper--Detailed drawings in chronological order from the first century to 1930. $9.95
Costume of the Western World by Doreen Yarwood--This book is arranged alphabetically and is more of a dictionary than a fashion guide. Most of the entries are accompanied by illustrations. (Hard to find currently)
Consuming Angels by Lori Anne Loeb--an examination of how Victorian ads shaped social values of the angelic housewife. $45.00
Country House Camera by Christopher Simon Sykes--Hundreds of photos capture life in the Country House in the mid-to-late nineteenth century. (Out of Print)
The Country House Kitchen, 1650-1900 edited by Pamela A Sambrook and Peter Brears--A comprehensive and illustrated survey of how country houses were provided for. $26.95
Courtesans: Money, Sex and Fame in the Nineteenth Century by Katie Hickman--Read about the lives of five prominent English courtesans from the nineteenth century. $24.95
Creating Characters: How to Build Story People by Dwight V. Swain--Learn how to motivate your characters, flesh them out and create someone your readers will believe in. $14.99 Feature Title
The Creative Writer's Style Guide by Christopher Leland--Addresses grammar, punctuation and usage specifically for writing novels. $22.99
Crown and Country: A Personal Guide to Royal London by Edward Wessex--A guide to London's most famous sites with a chronology of activities associated with each. $35.00
The Crystal Palace Exhibition Illustrated Catalogue (London 1851) by Art-Journal--More than 1700 items pictured with accompanying text. $24.95
Culpeper's Complete Herbal and English Physician by Nicholas Culpeper--A reproduction of the 19th century publication, this is an illustrated guide to herbs and their medicinal properties. $12.50
The Daguerreotype: Nineteenth-Century Technology and Modern Science by M. Susan Barger and William B. White--The history of the daguerreotype and the issues involved in preservation. $21.50
Daily Life in Victorian England by Sally Mitchell--A study of life from country estates to slums. $45.00
Daily Life in a Victorian House by Laura Wilson--A simple resource for everyday events in the Victorian household. $16.95 Feature Title
Dearest Vicky, Darling Fritz: The Tragic Love Story of Queen Victoria's Eldest Daughter and the German Emperor by John Ven der Kiste--A biography which sets this love story against the background of an emerging democracy. $29.95
Death in the Victorian Family by Pat Jalland--Explores family experiences of dying, death, grieving and mourning. $44.00
The Decline and Fall of the British Aristocracy by David Cannadine--From the most fortunate people on earth to the loss of prosperity, prestige and political significance. $20.00
Description by Monica Wood--Part of the Writer's Digest Elements of Fiction series--learn how to vividly depict the characters, settings and events in your novel. $15.99
Descriptionary: A Thematic Dictionary by Marc McCutcheon--Find the word you need in this resource sorted by category. $19.95 Feature Title
Desert Queen by Janet Wallach--The story of Gertrude Bell, adviser to kings and ally of Lawrence of Arabia. $15.95
The Dialects of England by Peter Trudgill--Learn the differences in dialects among England's geographical areas. $32.95 Feature Title
Dialogue by Lewis Turco--Part of the Writer's Digest Elements of Fiction series--learn how to write effective and authentic sounding dialogue. $13.99
Dialogue by Gloria Kempton--Learn how to create dialogue that sizzles. $16.99 Feature Title
A Diary From Dixie by Mary Chestnut--written by the wife of a Confederate general, this book chronicles life in the South during the Civil War $10.99
Dickens's Dictionary of London 1888--Reprint by Old House Books--reproduction of 1888 Charles Dickens work, including omnibus schedules, newspapers in print, and more. $23.76 Feature Title
Dictionary of the American West: Over 5,000 Terms from Aarigaa! to Zopilote by Winfred Blevins--Defines terms relevant to cowboy culture, historic and contemporary, American Indian culture, ranching, etc. $8.95
The Dictionary of Concise Writing by Robert Hartwell Fiske--Identifies wordiness and suggests alternatives. $15.95
The Dictionary of Disagreeable English by Robert Hartwell Fiske--Identifies tricky grammar issues and corrects them $12.99
A Dictionary of Nineteenth Century History by J. Belchem and R. Price--Entries on all aspects of political, diplomatic, military and social history. $16.95
The Dimwit's Dictionary by Robert Hartwell Fiske--Includes 5000 overused words and phrases and alternatives to them. $19.95
Dinner at Buckingham Palace edited by Paul Fishman--A treasure trove of menus, stories, and recipes from the personal memories of a royal servant.
The Disastrous Mrs. Weldon: The Life, Loves and Lawsuits of a Legendary Victorian by Brian Thompson--The life of Georgine Weldon, an un-Victorian woman in Victorian times. $15.95
Disraeli by Edgar Feuchtwanger--A biography of Benjamin Disraeli, British statesman. $21.95
Domestic Technology by Nell Du Vall--A chronology of domestic innovations from ancient times, with separate chapters devoted to each area of technology such as cooking or cleaning. A very useful guide for determining timelines on when everyday items were invented. $45.00
Don't Sweat the Small Stuff… and It's All Small Stuff by Richard Carlson--Simple ways to keep the little things from taking over your life. $11.95
Dress and Decoration of the Middle Ages by Henry Shaw--Reproduction of a volume originally printed in 1858, includes watercolor plates of fashions, as well as biographies of the major monarchs of the time. $24.95
Driving Horse-Drawn Carriages for Pleasure by Francis T. Underhill--Reprint of a guidebook that described how a well turned-out carriage should look and be handled, including livery and stable necessities. $11.95
Dynamic Characters by Nancy Kress--Fill your fiction with the kind of characters readers want to love or hate. $18.99
Eats, Shoots and Leaves by Lynne Truss--A zero-tolerance approach to punctuation. $19.95
Editing Fact and Fiction : A Concise Guide to Book Editing by Leslie T. Sharpe--Learn how to be your own editor with this helpful guide. $26.00
An Elegant Madness: High Society in Regency England by Venetia Murray--Read about the eccentricities of Regency Society $29.95
The Elephants of Style by Bill Walsh--A trunkload of tips on contemporary American English
Elizabeth's London by Liza Picard--Practical details of Elizabethan London. $14.95
Encyclopedia of Christmas by Tanya Gulevich--Over 200 Christmas traditions explained and explored. $24.00
England's Thousand Best Houses by Simon Jenkins--The most impressive, interesting and unusual houses in England. $65.00
The English Fair by David Kerr Cameron--Illustrated account of the great fairs of the Middle Ages. $35.00
The English Gentleman by Douglas Sutherland--A humorous look at the ways of the upper-class gentleman. $14.95
English Love Poems collected by John Betjeman and Geoffrey Taylor--a chronological collection of love poems by English authors, including Chaucer, Blake and Browning, and many others. $12.95
English Maps: A History by Catherine Delano-Smith--A history of English map-making from 700A.D. to the early 20th century, with illustrations.
The English Park: Royal, Private and Public by Susan Lasdun--Looks at the historical importance of the park, and how this tradition is still preserved today. Richly illustrated with diagrams and paintings. $35.00
English Society in the 18th Century by Roy Porter--A look into the lifestyles of all walks of life in 18th-Century England.$14.95
The English Stage: A History of Drama and Performance by J. L. Styan--Covers the story of drama through its many changes from medieval times to the present day. $12.95
English Through the Ages by William Brohaugh--Lists categories of words in chronological order, according to when they were first recorded in print. $24.99 Feature Title
English Women's Clothing in the Nineteenth Century by C. Willett Cunnington--An invaluable resource for the researcher of Victorian clothing, this book contains over 1,100 illustrations, and outlines fashion changes year-by-year, including accessories and hairstyles. $24.95 Feature Title
Essential Handbook of Victorian Etiquette by Thomas E. Hill and William P. Yenne--A handy reference on etiquette in times past. $8.95
Every Writer's Guide to Copyright and Publishing Law by Ellen M. Kozak--Answers all your copyright questions in a concise and easy-to-read manner. $9.95 Feature Title
Everyday Life Among the American Indians 1800 to 1900 by Candy Moulton--A detailed account of what life was like for tribes throughout the U.S. and Canada. $16.99
Everyday Life During the Civil War by Michael J. Varhola--What people wore, what they ate and how they lived are just some of the topics in this Writer's Digest Everyday Life Series book. $16.99
Facts in a Flash: A research Guide for Writers by Ellen Metter--From cruising the stacks to surfing the Internet, leanr how to find the information you need. $24.99 Feature Title
Famous First Facts, 4th Edition by Joseph Nathan Kane--Famous firsts as they happened in America--organized alphabetically by subject, chronologically by year and day of the month, and geographically by state/city. Also includes a name index. $95.00
Fans by James Mackay--A history of the fan from ancient times to their decline in popularity. $17.99
Fashion in Detail: From the 17th and 18th Centuries by Avril Hart and Susan North--Detailed photographs showcasing the hallmark design details of these centuries. $60.00
Fashion and Women's Attitudes in the Nineteenth Century by C. Willett Cunnington--What proper Englishwomen wore in the 19th century and why they clothed themselves as they did. $14.95
Fashions and Costumes From Godey's Lady's Book edited by Stella Blum--Reprints of ladies' and children's fashion plates from one of the foremost fashion sources of the day, Godey's Lady's Book (1837-1869.) $9.95
Fiction Writer's Brainstormer by James V. Smith, Jr.--A hands-on guide to brainstorming your stories, including charts, graphs, self tests, and drills to get your creative juices flowing. $18.99
Finding Your Voice by Leslie Edgerton--Learn how to develop a unique voice that sets you apart from others. $21.99
The First Five Pages by Noah Lukeman--Learn how to correct such errors as a weak opening hook and undeveloped characterizations to avoid the rejection pile. $11.00
First Name Reverse Dictionary by Yvonne Navarro--Have a character with certain traits? Give him/her a name that will match his/her personality. $29.95
Flora Domestica: A History of British Flower Arranging 1500-1930 by Mary Rose Blacker--A history of floral arranging with steps on how to do your own. $49.50The Forest for the Trees by Betsy Lerner--An editor's survival guide and advice to writers. $12.00
From the Ballroom to Hell: Grace and Folly in 19th Century Dance by Elizabeth Aldrich--A history of the role dance played in 19th century society, with excerpts from contemporary sources of the day. $19.95 Feature Title
From Book Signing to Best Seller by Jo Condrill and John B. Slack--Ideas on how to conduct a successful and low-cost book-signing tour. $14.95
From Dreams to Discovery by Joan Mazza, M.S.--Learn how to interpret dreams and use them for your own creative power. $14.99
From Printout to Published by Michael Seidman--A step-by-step instruction through the publishing process. $10.95 Feature Title
From a Victorian Garden by Michael Weishan and Cristina Roig--Create the romance of a bygone era right in your own backyard. $32.95
Fruitflesh by Gayle Brandeis--Tap into your creativity by exploring works written by women. $23.95
Full-Color Victorian Fashions: 1870-1893 by JoAnne Olian--Reproductions of French fashion plates of the late 19th Century. $16.95
G & D Cook & Co,'s Illustrated Catalogue of Carriages and Special Business Advertiser by G & D Cook--A reproduction of a catalog originally published in 1860, it includes carriages for sale by this New Haven company and the price list for their vehicles. $13.95
The Garden at Chatsworth by the Duchess of Devonshire--A history of the Cavendish family garden spanning 450 years. $40.00
The Gardens of William Morris by Penny Hart, et. al.--An examination of his principles of garden design. $35.00
God's Bestseller: William Tyndale, Thomas More, and the Writing of the English Bible---A Story of Martyrdom and Betrayal by Brian Moynahan--Biography of William Tyndale's life. $27.95
Grammatically Correct by Anne Stilman--Easy to use guide to punctuation, spelling, style, usage and grammar. $19.99
The Great Stink of London: Sir Joseph Bazalgette and the Cleansing of the Victorian Metropolis by Stephen Halliday and Adam Hart-Davis--The story of how the Chief Engineer of the Metropolitan Board of Works helped build London's sanitation system. $15.95
The Great Tea Rooms of Britain by Bruce Richardson and John Gentry--Photographs, narrative and recipes from 22 tea houses in England, Scotland and Wales.
Growing Up In Medieval London: The Experience of Childhood in History by Barbara Hanawalt--A look at childhood in Medieval London, drawing on records of the 14th and 15th centuries. $14.95
Guerilla Marketing for Writers by Jay Conrad Levinson, Rick Frishman and Michael Larsen--Full of effective but low-cost ways to promote your work. $14.99
The Hanging Tree by V.A.C. Gatrell--A history of executions and hangings in England from 1770 to 1868. $45.00
He Says, She Says: Closing the Communication Gap Between the Sexes by Lillian Glass, PhD.--This book discusses the differences between the way women and men communicate, and offers solutions to the problem. $12.95
The Heart of England by Robin Whiteman and Rob Talbot--A photojournalism of England's central geographic area. $16.95
Hen Frigates: Passion and Peril, Nineteenth Century Women at Sea by Joan Druett--Hen Frigates is the term for ships on which the captain's wife was on board. Read some personal accounts of their dramatic adventures. $14.00
Her Little Majesty: The Life of Queen Victoria by Carolly Erickson--A biography of this British ruler and her global influence during the 64 years of her reign. $23.00
Hints on Household Taste by Charles L. Eastlake--Reprint of this handbook on Victorian interior decoration which served as a basic source for philosophy of design. $9.95 Feature Title
Historic Pubs of London by Ted Bruning--Learn the origins and history of 100 English pubs, with photographs. $17.95
The History of the Countryside: The Classic History of Britain's Landscape, Flora and Fauna by Oliver Rackham--From its earliest origins to the present, this book describes the endlessly changing character of Britain's countryside. $21.95
The History Highway: A Guide to Internet Resources by Dennis A. Trinkle--Need help surfing the Internet? Trinkle divides web sites into categories such as 'Military History' and 'Libraries' for you. $18.95
A History of Jewellry 1100-1870 by Joan Evans--Elaborately illustrated, this book gives an account of jewelry styles over a 700-year period. $19.95 Feature Title
The History of Underclothes by C. Willett and Phillis Cunnington--This illustrated book shows the role played by underclothing over the last several centuries. $9.95 Feature Title
Home Office Life by Lisa Kanarek--This book gives you practical ideas to plan a productive home office. $15.99
Horse-Drawn Commercial Vehicles edited by Don H. Berkebile--Illustrations of 19th century stagecoaches, delivery wagons and other commercial vehicles, along with a glossary of terms. $12.95
The House Beautiful by Clarence Cook--Reprint of a Classic Victorian Stylebook which guides the reader on how to acquire the right "look" for their interior decoration. $9.95 Feature Title
The Houses of Hanover and Saxe-Coburg by John Clarke and Jasper Ridley--Describes the lives of the kings and queens of these royal houses. $13.95
The Houses of Parliament: History, Art and Architecture by Christine Riding and Jacqueline Riding--Learn the history of the Houses of Parliament through its art and architecture. $50.00
How I Write by Janet Evanovich--Best-selling author tells all in a Q&A format. $13.95
How to Be a Complete Dandy by Stephen Robins--A look at dandies through the ages, and how it is more than clothes that defines them. $18.00
How to Get Publicity, (And Make the Most of it Once You've Got it) by William Parkhurst--Learn how to promote yourself effectively both on and off the internet. $15.00
How to Hold a Crocodile by The Diagram Group--Fascinating reference with instructions, information and advice. $19.95
How to Write Attention-Grabbing Query & Cover Letters by John Wood--Learn the rights and wrongs of composing strong queries. $14.99
How to Write a Book Proposal by Michael Larsen--Learn the keys to a successful proposal. $15.99
How To Write a Damn Good Novel by James N. Frey--Learn the basic techniques of good storytelling through character, conflict and dialogue. For beginner or professional, it's a crash course in writing the traditional novel. $18.95 Feature Title
How To Write a Damn Good Novel II by James N. Frey--Pick up where the first edition left off--This book covers advanced techniques of storytelling--interesting characters, steadily building conflicts and satisfying conclusions. $17.95
How To Write Romances by Phyllis Taylor Pianka--Learn what differentiates romances from other genre fiction and how to research, write and publish your own novel. $15.99
How To Write and Sell Historical Fiction by Persia Woolley--An inside view of writing historical fiction, from the idea stage to publication. $17.99
An Illustrated Guide to British Jugs: From Medieval Times to the Twentieth Century by R.K. Henrywood--A fuly illustrated guide with detailed descriptions of production techniques, materials, etc. $35.00
The Illustrator and the Book in England from 1790-1914 by Gordon N.Ray--A chronicle of book illustrations from 1790 to 1914. $29.95
In Search of England: Journeys Into the English Past by Michael Wood--Travel with the author to the lesser-known historical sites of England for insight into what made the country what it is today. $24.95
Inside the Victorian Home: A Portrait of Domestic Life in Victorian England by Judith Flanders--A room-by-room guide to what transpired in a Victorian home. $34.95
Inns, Ales and Drinking Customs of Old England by Frederick Hackwood--A history of Inns and the process of brewing, along with anecdotes and folklore associated with drinking establishments in Britain. (Hard to find currently)
The Jane Austen Cookbook by Maggie Black--A bit of history and a bit of recipes from Jane Austen's life. $19.95
Jewels and Jewelry by Clare Phillips--A 500-year history of jewelry and jewelry making, with extensive photographs. $37.50
John Everett Millais by Gordon H. Fleming--A biography of this co-founder of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood. $40.00
Josephine: A Life of the Empress by Carolly Erickson--A biography of the woman and her ill-fated marriage to the Emperor of France. $27.50
Keepers of the Kingdom by Alastair Bruce, Julian Calder and Mark Cator--A history of the hereditary office holders whose duties reflect the life and customs of medieval English Lords of the manor. $40.00
The Key: How to Write Damn Good Fiction Using the Power of Myth by James N. Frey--This author of the Damn Good Novel series now gives you instructions on how to incorporate Joseph Campbell's Myths into your writing. $23.95
Keys to Great Writing by Stephen Wilbers--Covers every aspect of the craft of writing and shows the aspiring author how to develop a writer's voice.$19.95
Kings, Queens, Bones & Bastards by David Hilliam--A continuous history of the British Monarchy, examining what happened to each of them and their remains. $19.95
Kings and Queens of England by Eric R. Delderfield--A brief chronological history of the Kings and Queens of England, along with genealogical trees and coats of arms. $6.95
Kings & Queens of England: Murder, Mayhem and Scandal 1066 to Present Day by Brenda Ralph Lewis--Highlights the true personalities and private affairs of English monarchs. $30.00
Knickers: An Intimate Appraisal by Rosemary Hawthorne--A history of knickers over the last 200 years along with some amusing anecdotes. $23.95
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